Jabil employees have remained devoted to caring for their communities, and the diversity of events held over the last year demonstrate their long-term commitment to improving the Environment.
Some sites, including Penang, Shenzhen and Uzhgorod, focused on cleaning local parks, beaches and recreational areas with hundreds of employees volunteering their time. Organized activities ranged from quarterly cleanups to activities tied to larger community partnerships, such as Jabil Chihuahua’s participation in the local government’s Clean Our Mexico initiative this past February. Employees in Guadalajara partnered with the local government’s Ministry of Environment and Territorial Development last month to clean debris from a local forest to help prevent fires.
Earlier this month, Shanghai employees held two cleanups at local beach areas Nanhui Zui Guanghai Park and Pudong Binjing, collecting over 75 large bags of plastic waste that totaled more than 1,000 kg.
“Research shows plastic pollution is a leading concern for the environment around the world,” said Joyce Sun, operations project manager. “We organized this event to not only help save wildlife and sea life from the dangers of plastic but also create awareness around the mindset of reduce, reuse and recycle.”
Along that same idea, Jabil Uzhgorod wanted to create awareness around the impact of pollution by organizing a car-free day at the site in March. Employees were challenged to ride bicycles to work instead of driving their cars to demonstrate their personal commitment to reducing their carbon footprint. Other facilities focused on minimizing carbon impacts at a larger scale: Jabil Tiszaújváros was recognized by the Hungarian Business Leaders Forum and received the Business World for the Environment: Management Systems – Business Leaders for Environment award last fall for their work in creating more sustainable manufacturing processes, including new energy management practices.
While some sites focused on carbon emissions, others focused on reducing pollution by planting trees and providing reforestation efforts. In March, Jabil Uzhgorod employees planted 40 trees at Bozdosh, a local park, and last September, 60 employees at Jabil Baja planted dozens of trees and other types of greenery around a busy pedestrian intersection.
In October, Corporate St. Petersburg used the opportunity of having the 32 global participants of Jabil’s annual continuous improvement competition, Deliver Best Practices, to bring awareness to protecting Florida beaches. The participants, representing Jabil sites in 11 countries, visited Fort De Soto Park to plant more than 700 sea oats along the beach, helping to combat erosion and protecting the shoreline.
Whether it’s working to change manufacturing processes or cleaning and beautifying nature, Jabil employees across the globe are passionate about going green and protecting their local environments.
Jabil Cares, our community outreach and volunteerism platform, supports localized efforts around specific causes related to Education, Empowerment, and the Environment.