Teams from Jabil Singapore and Nypro Shanghai received the highest recognition at this year's American Society for Quality (ASQ) International Team Excellence Award competition in front of an audience of around 2800 people. The teams competed in a field of 36 finalists and earned the Silver-level Award. Two Silver and two Bronze Awards were given out this year. The ASQ International Team Excellence Award recognizes teams for their efforts in driving innovation by creating efficiencies and reducing waste at their facilities.
"We are very proud of Jabil Singapore and Nypro Shanghai for achieving the Silver Award at the ASQ International Team Excellence Award competition. We received the top awards this year," said Clint Belinsky, VP Global Quality at Jabil. "This recognition is a testament of Jabil's dedication towards delivering world-class manufacturing performance and ensuring the highest quality levels for our customers."
The Jabil Singapore project aimed to optimize the warehouse material handling cycle in order to reduce material handling costs. Team members include: Sanjeev Verma, Assistant Operations Manager; Roland Tang, Plant Lean Six Sigma Manager; and Denish Loghanadan, Warehouse Supervisor. The Nypro Shanghai project shortened order response time with the customized E-Pull system for higher customer satisfaction around Quick Response Manufacturing. Team members include: Morning Cao, Planning Manager; Johnson Jia, Sr. Lean Coach; Melvin Wong, Assistant Quality Manager; and Hanson Zhang, ERP Subject Matter Expert.

Singapore and Shanghai Team Leads, Sanjeev Verma (left) and Morning Cao (right) posing with the American Society for Quality silver award
“All four Jabil teams have shown tremendous dedication in preparation for this ASQ competition during the last six months and excellent teamwork as one Jabil during the competition. I am proud to be able to work with these talented teams and to have two Jabil teams emerged top from the competition during the first attempt itself is indeed a great achievement that will be hard to follow,” stated team coach Toh William, Director Advanced Quality Planning at Jabil.
“Jabil was already seen as a strong presence with four teams reaching the Finals on this international stage, but with this achievement the company showcased our strength in Lean Six Sigma and Quality Management capabilities,” stated Jeff Porada, Director Lean Six Sigma at Jabil.
In addition to the Silver Awards, all four Jabil teams received Attendee Choice Awards. Jabil Singapore and Tiszaújváros were recognized for Operational Impact and Nypro Shanghai and Jabil Penang were recognized for Best Use of Data. Jabil Tiszaújváros also received third place in the Case Study Storyboard category, an award based on votes from Quality professionals.
Teams from a broad range of industries compete each year for the sought after ASQ Gold, Silver and Bronze International Team Excellence Award. Since 1985, more than 1,050 teams from Argentina, Brazil, Canada, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Germany, India, Japan, Mexico, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand, United Arab Emirates, and the United States have participated in the competition. Organizations such as 3M, Alcoa, Bayer, Boeing, Humana, Reliance Industries Ltd. (the largest business enterprise in India), and Telefónica (a major cell phone operator in Argentina) have all showcased quality improvement projects that resulted in cost-savings of millions of dollars.
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