Jabil’s Proprietary Coupa Training -
Fundamentals Course

Learn how to optimize your Coupa environment from one of the platforms’ largest user bases!

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Looking to learn the basics of getting started with Coupa?

Jabil’s Coupa Training Courses can help.

Typical software implementation training provides the basic foundational elements of getting started. You’re given pieces of how things work, but you’re on your own to put the pieces together to solve for your unique needs.

Designed by our experienced practitioners, our training courses benefit anyone who needs to gain a better understanding of how to best optimize Coupa for distinct business needs, from administrators to procurement managers and beyond.

For administrators with little-to-no Coupa experience, Jabil offers a 1-day course on the fundamentals and how to use Coupa effectively and efficiently.

The course uses a variety of instruction methods to provide hands-on learning experience with a foundation of practical application. It isn’t just “going to a class” – it’s going to a class, learning through examples, and continuously learning by having access to “phone a friend” for further implementation.

Course Overview

Duration: 1 day
Format: Virtual or In-Person Upon Request

Virtual Course Dates

April: 11th
May: 2nd
June: 6th
July: 18th
August: 1st
September: 5th
October: 3rd
November: 14th
December: 5th

Learning Objectives

User setup and maintenance
Walk-through of common transactions to understand options and functionality, such as receiving and invoicing
Review of options for creating requisitions and methods to route users to strategic purchasing
Understanding of how to optimize the overall buying experience
Review of system settings and how they affect the end-user experience


"Jabil's Coupa Admin Training was the perfect blend of instruction on Coupa's capabilities, exercises that further promoted the development of understanding, and application of Coupa's features to my firm's tactical needs and strategic objectives. I recommend that any individual whose responsibilities include the management, transformation and growth of Coupa participate in this training. It continues to pay dividends every day."

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Coupa training?

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